Barbara Scott (sleeping ice skater), Switzerland, 1948 Photo by Walter Sanders |
The peace of God is a most profound tranquillity and repose, like the silence of untrodden mountain summits clothed with eternal snows; or like the lowest depths of the ocean, where the fierce storms that rage on the surface are unfelt, and where the turbulent industry of men can never penetrate. Nothing can equal that peace.
O Loving Jesus, I offer Thee Thy most peaceful repose in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar, and in the hearts of all the just, and I beseech Thee most earnestly that I may rest this night in Thee so that in the morning I may awake with renewed fervour to love and serve Thee. Amen.
My Queen and my Mother, bless me with thy pure and holy hand―
That I may have a good night's rest,
That I may wake betimes in the morning, and have the grace and energy to rise promptly and continue the work thy divine and beloved Son has entrusted to my feeble hands.
Prayers of an Irish Mother - 19th century
Prayers of an Irish Mother - 19th century